Therapy for Life Transitions

Online Therapy For New York & Connecticut

Adjusting to life’s major changes and transitions can become overwhelming.

Sometimes life throws challenges your way that can be hard to navigate on your own; your ability to be resilient waxes and wanes throughout your life.

Life transitions are not always as manageable as we’d hope and with that can come higher stress, anxiety, sadness and changes in your behavior.

When things get overwhelming, we start to develop emotional, relational, behavioral and physical disturbances. If these disturbances are left unchanged, avoided or ignored, it can lead to more chronic issues that truly impede our life.

There are times in your life when these major changes are more manageable or you seem to overcome them with ease. And then there are other moments where it feels like accepting the changes are insurmountable.

These are examples of life transitions that can heavily impede your current functioning:

  • Loss
  • Grief
  • Ending school
  • Moving
  • Changes in a relationship status
  • Changes in your social network
  • Work changes
  • Starting a family, adding to your family
  • Post-partum anxiety or depression
  • New health diagnosis
  • Trauma

Change is possible.

Stress, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm and feeling stuck may feel horrible, but your life doesn’t have to be this way.

Therapy can help change that. If your symptoms have not lasted more than six months and you’re experiencing a major life change or transition, therapy can help by allowing you to set specific goals to get you back on track.

We call this an adjustment disorder, which everyone has experienced at various times in their lives.

Healing from your current emotional state has the potential to free you in all areas of your life.

You can start to be more present in your relationships, increase self-awareness, create coping skills and experience more fun and ease throughout the day.

Welcome to

Emily D. Klein Counseling

Hi I'm Emily!

Emily D. Klein

Starting therapy can sometimes be scary, but I have learned that when we challenge ourselves to push through that vulnerability, if often feels empowering and peaceful to get to the other side.

We will work on challenging negative beliefs, doubt, and distressing feelings in order to alleviate your symptoms and enable you to take constructive action.

I am confident that I can help you work through these current life transitions to get to a place of inner peace, healing and acceptance.

Your well-being is my ultimate concern.

It would be an honor to work with you, so feel free to reach out to set up a consultation.

Help is Just a Call Away

Are you ready to start experiencing life differently?