
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Our journeys are full of ups and downs.

Sometimes we have to navigate waves of stress, worry, and sadness, even when we least expect it.

You might suffer the loss of something or someone dear to your heart.  You may go through a painful breakup or a stressful situation at school or work. 

Or you may not really know where these feelings and thoughts come from, adding more confusion and frustration to yourself. When pain and distress become the norm, we might feel the need to hide, procrastinate, avoid or set our emotions aside. 

We may also resort to numbing or risky behaviors to avoid feeling anything at all.  This could all become a damaging cycle that can be challenging to recognize and break away from.

Anxiety, depression, PTSD, sleep issues, relationship issues, life transitions, panic attacks, low self-esteem, avoidance and procrastination are all areas that benefit from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT can help you manage your thoughts and emotions to find relief and improve your well-being.

What is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)?

It is a type of psychotherapy that is based on the notion that our feelings, thoughts and behaviors all impact one another, and by making some changes in any one of these components, it will create a ripple effect of improvement in the others.

In CBT we work collaboratively to discuss the changes you want to make in your life, devise a plan on how to accomplish and then start to take action towards your goals.  

As therapy progresses, you will start identifying distorted lines of thinking (or cognitive distortions) that may contribute to those difficult feelings and behaviors—for example, catastrophizing, jumping to conclusions, fortune telling and mind reading.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (or CBT) is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy, which means it’s backed by a wealth of research and proven to be effective at addressing many psychological issues.

The purpose is to provide you with practical solutions to reduce your symptoms, shift unhealthy patterns of thinking and behaving, and create lasting change. 

You will learn strategies to challenge and replace those negative or irrational thoughts with helpful or realistic ones.

This, in turn, will change behavioral patterns and ease the symptoms that might be causing distress. You will also gain coping skills and develop new routines to prepare you for the challenges ahead.

Mindfulness strategies can also be helpful with CBT.

Mindfulness is the ability to concentrate on the present moment, observing our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and environment without judgment.

I can help you learn to better manage current symptoms and utilize tools to decrease the chances of recurring problems in the future.

It helps you to gain internal knowledge, self- awareness, and skills to help you reassess and shift your relationship with your thoughts and feelings and empower you with tools to address difficulties.

It would be an honor for me to help you on your healing journey.

When I work with clients I take the time to develop a strong trusting relationship with you while getting a thorough understanding of your background, your current struggles, your strengths and goals for therapy.

I aim to help you attain greater focus and concentration, stay grounded in the present rather than getting lost in the past or future and identify unhelpful lines of thinking, limiting beliefs, and negative emotions.

With CBT, we can focus on the present moment, mindful awareness, changing thinking and behavioral patterns, self-compassion and create a toolkit to help lead to lasting change.

It can be hard to take the first step towards your healing journey.

I am confident that I can help you work through your current stressors to get to a place of inner peace, healing and acceptance.

Find a time to reach out to me using this link. We will find a time to schedule a phone call when you’re available, to discuss this process further. We will spend roughly 20 minutes getting to know another to see if we are a good fit to work together.

Take the first step to wellness today. I am right here, waiting to help you feel better.

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